Character Bios
Android 18 / Bulma / Chao-zu
Chi-Chi / Dende / Gohan
Goku / Gohan / Guru
Kami / Karin / King Kia
Krillin / Oolong / Ox-King
Pan / Piccolo / Popo
Master Roshi / Tien / Trunks
Vegeta / Videl / Yajirobe
Race: Saiyan
Parents: Father- Bardock /Mother- ???
Wife: Chi-Chi
Sons: Gohan and Goten
Daughter: none
Siblings: Raditz
Goku ,a Saiyan, was sent to Earth to kill all inhabitants
so it could be sold. When he arrived he was only a young child.
Someone named Gohan found him and took care of him, but he was wild.
Goku was very strong and remembered what he was to do until he fell and
hit his head. He forgot and then he met many freinds(Krillin, Bulma, Yamcha...)and has
many adventures (Dragonball).When he grows up he marries Chi-Chi and has two sons Gohan
and Goten. He becomes a Super Saiyan. He reaches all
the forms of Super Saiyan.(SSJ1-

Race: Saiyan
Parents: Father- King Vegeta /Mother- ???
Wife: Bulma (not married)
Sons: Trunks
Daughter: Bra
Siblings: none
Vegeta along with Nappa, Goku, Raditz are the last full blooded Saiyans.
Vegeta is Prince of the Saiyans until he is tooken by Freeza and all
the saiyans and their planet destroyed. He the works for Freeza until
he hears of the Dragonball of earth and goes there to find them.
He fights with Goku and Slowly begins to turn Good in a Evil
sort of way. He has a Baby with Bulma,Trunks, but never
marries her. He reaches Super Saiyan. He also Reaches
Super Saiyan 2 and 4. Not SSJ3.

Race:half Saiyan / half Human
Parents: Father- Goku /Mother- Chi-Chi
Wife: Videl
Sons: none
Daughter: Pan
Siblings: Goten
Gohan is only half Saiyan but he was born with a tail.
When Gohan was a child he was trained by Piccolo because his
father (Goku) was dead. He trains and ends up being the strongest
fighter but he really isn't because he can't go SSJ3 or SSJ4. He reaches
Super Saiyan and the first to reach Super Saiyan 2. He marries Videl
and they have a daughter, Pan.

Race: Namek
Parents: Father/Mother - Piccolo Diamo/Kami
Wife: none
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: none
Piccolo is the Son of Piccolo Diamo. Piccolo Diamo was split from Kami.
Piccolo Diamo was evil side, Kami the good. Kami wanted to be god and
The god that was already there said Kami had to much evil in him to god
So Kami Split the good and Evil, Kami and Piccolo Diamo. Goku as a child,
Dragonball, killed Piccolo Diamo and when he did Piccolo Diamo spit out
an egg which is Piccolo. Piccolo grows up as Goku worst enemy, But after
they team up to kill Raditz. Goku is killed and Piccolo takes Gohan
and trains him. Gohan becomes the only person he cares for.
He soon becomes good. Piccolo merges with Kami and Nail
Through out the series.

Race:half Saiyan / half Human
Parents: Father- Goku /Mother- Chi-Chi
Wife: none
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: Gohan
Goten ,another son of Goku, is just as strong as his Dad and brother.
(well not as strong).His best friend is Trunks usually gets him into
trouble. He becomes Super Saiyan at the age of only 7, but that the only stage
he can reach. He also can merge with Trunks to make Gotenks.
As Gotenks they can reach SSJ3 Though.

Race:half Saiyan / half Human
Parents: Father- Vegeta /Mother- Bulma
Wife: none
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: none
Trunks is the only son of Vegeta. He is best friends with Goten. Trunks
becomes a Super Saiyan at the age of 8. He always wishes he had a brother
like Goten. Trunks can form with Goten to make Gotenks.
Future Trunks

Future Trunks is Trunks from the Future and different dimension. He comes
from a future were Goku dies with a heart disease. After He dies Dr. Gero
creates 2 Androids.(Android 17 and 18) They are very powerful and Kill all
the Z warriors(Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, Choa-tzu, and the rest).
The only two left is teenage Trunks and Adult Gohan. So Gohan trains Trunks to
so he can become a Super Saiyan like him so they might have a chance to defeat
the Androids. The story goes Gohan is killed and Trunks reaches SSJ. He is still not
strong enough to kill them. Three years his mother Bulma makes a time machine so he
can go back in time to Goku some heart disease elixir to cure him when it comes up
in a year. So Goku can change the past and defeat the Androids.Trunks only tells
Goku who he is. It doesn't work out that way. It doesn't change the past.
Eventually Future Trunks gets strong enough to
defeat the Androids in his time.
Race: Human
Parents: Father- ??? /Mother- ???
Wife:Android 18
Sons: none
Daughter: Marron
Siblings: none
Krillin is one year older that Goku. They were rivals a while,
but they ended up being best friends. He and Goku both were trained by
Master Roshi. Krillin has no nose he has six breather hole on his head
though. He's also a monk. He marries Android 18 after he wishes
her to be human. He also wishes for hair and I've heard
he always had it. He is also the strongest human.
Race: 1/4 Saiyan / 3/4 Human
Parents: Father- Gohan /Mother- Videl
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: none
Pan is the daugter of Gohan. She just as a good of fighter as
all the other Saiyans. She hangs out with Goten and Trunks. They
treats her like a sister he never had.
Race: Human
Parents: Father- ??? /Mother- ???
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: none
Yamcha is a good friend of Goku. He used to rob people in the desert who pasted by.
Yamcha and Bulma like each other during DB and some of DBZ. He is the weakest
of the Z warriors Because he pretty much give up training after he wished
back from King Kia.
Race: Human
Parents: Father- Dr. Briefs /Mother- ???
Husband: Vegeta (Not married)
Sons: Trunks
Daughter: Bra
Siblings: none
Bulma is a genius who can build/fix thing human or alien. She is the first
person Goku meet in Dragonball. She gets him to help her find the Dragonballs.
She has a son with Vegeta because She saw how lonely he was. Her father
owns the Capsule Corp.(Dr. Briefs) She
Race: Human
Parents: Father- Ox-King /Mother- ???
Husband: Goku
Sons: Gohan and Goten
Daughter: none
Siblings: none
Chi-Chi marries Goku and has two sons Gohan and Goten. In Dragonball Goku
rescues her. She makes Gohan study and is really strict to Goten and Gohan.
She is the daughter of Ox-King. She pushes Videl to marry Gohan. She doesn't
Gohan to train.
Race: Human
Parents: Father- ??? /Mother- ???
Wife: none
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: none
Tien is a three eyed man. He's Choa-zu's bodyguard. He is the second strongest
Human. He developed the Solar Flair (Yaiyo Ken)and is good freinds with Goku.
Race: Namek
Parents: Father/Mother- Guru/Piccolo(origanal)
Wife: none
Sons: Piccolo
Daughter: none
Siblings: Pall Nameks
Kami is the Protecter/God of Earth. He created the Dragonballs. He came to earth
as a child and if he dies the dragonballs dissapear. If Piccolo is killed then
Kami dies too, because they are the same person almost. Kami split his good side
from his bad creating Piccolo Diamo as the bad. Piccolo Diamo is killed and
he spits out an egg that was Piccolo. So Kami is the same/father to Piccolo.
Race: Namek
Parents: Father/Mother- Guru
Wife: none
Sons: Piccolo
Daughter: none
Siblings: all Nameks
He becomes the God of earth after Kami. He gets the power of healing from
Guru. He creates his own dragonballs (I think). He helps a lot in fighting
Race: Human ???
Parents: Father- ???/Mother- ???
Wife: none
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: none
Choa-zu is an emperor. He is sycic(however you spell it.)or telepathic.
His body gaurd is Tien. I don't know a lot about him. (Is he human?)
Master Roshi(Kame-sennin)
Race: Human ?
Parents: Father- ???/Mother- ???
Wife: none
Sons: none
Daughter: none
Siblings: Urania Baba
At one time he was the strongest warior on earth. He created the Kame-hama.
He can't even fly though. He trains Krillin and Goku. His power stays around
150 the whole series.